
Mengajarkan Anak Tentang Seks Sejak Pendidikan Dini

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Picture of Nabila GabaG
Nabila GabaG

Mengajarkan Anak Tentang Seks – It is important to teach children about sex education from an early age, in addition to preventing unwanted things from happening, they can also tell children about being responsible for caring for body parts.

Parents are the closest people to children who can give the first teaching. So that children will get the right information not from sources that are less trusted, such as friends or even the internet.

Especially when children feel curious even though it is a natural thing, then provide good education that parents can provide.

There are several ways to deliver sex education at an early age to children

1. Tell the body parts and their functions

Sex education helps children to understand more about their bodies and helps them love their own bodies. Teach your child so that he knows what boundaries are allowed to be touched and which are not to be touched by others.

Example: “Sis, only you can hold your body. Moreover, sensitive parts such as the vagina or penis and breasts. So if someone wants to hold it, don’t want it. Must be rejected and look for a teacher to help”

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2. Teach shame

In addition to the parts that should not be touched, teach children to be ashamed, such as not showing their genitals to others, wearing clothes in the room, etc. By asking children not to think this is a normal thing will make children know the limits and shame on others.

This can also be taught when bathing, children are taught to bathe independently. When he wears clothes, he wears his own clothes, Mom.

3. Interested in the opposite sex? Yes, but…

Children today are different from before, attraction to the opposite sex can happen. Tell the child, if the opposite sex is different then he must be protected. Don’t touch and don’t hurt. Providing this limit lets children know about socialization in making friends, including those of the opposite sex.

4. Convey in a language that is easy for children to understand

In this case, Mom can use language that is easy to understand so that the child understands better. There’s nothing wrong with using an image that the child likes when conveying

5. Create a separate child’s room (if Mom has a budget, of course)

When the child has started to grow, there is no harm in making their own room. Separate boys’ rooms and girls’ rooms. In addition to teaching them privacy, this also makes them behave according to nature. Mengajarkan Anak Tentang Seks

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